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Anyone else watch That Metal Show?

At first when the show started I hated it. It was 30 minutes and most of it was taken up with the hosts acting stupid and about 5 minutes with the guest.

With the show expanded to 60 minutes they have more time with the guests and even though they still waste too much time with stupid "features", the show has greatly improved.

And they've had some hellaciously awesome guests.

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Yes, Ive been recording it and watching the parts where they actually talk to the guests. 
I watch it occasionally.  It's not that I think it's the greatest show ever, but I don't see anything else on TV that actually talks Hard Rock and Metal.
Yep, have seen every episode. Have a problem with their lists though, I think we could do better....

That's part of the time wasting garbage I don't like about the show.

I have seen most of the episodes as well and like the show. It definitely is better than when it was only thirty minutes. However, I do agree with you. I never understood why so little time was shown/spent with the actual musicial guest. One of the great things about That Metal Show was they often had guests you have seen or heard much about in years. It is such an opportunity for a guy like let's say Joe Lynn Turner to let people know what he is doing musicially.

I have been on other sites where some people like to take potshots at Eddie Trunk but I have never really gotten that. He has defended metal even when it wasn't fashionable and has a real passion for the music. I recently picked up the book he wrote and it isn't bad. I know he gets accused of name dropping a lot but dang if all of us had got to meet and work with the people that he has, we would probably name drop as well.

As far as the one hour shows (this is the second season for that), what I would like to see improved is just sticking to one guest and how about having them do a live performance of a lesser known/new song to promote their new products. The guitar solos they added as the show goes to commercial does add anything in my opinion and while I personally liked the Stump the Trunk segment in the early days of the show, that one has been overdone. One segment I think you could beef up is the Throwdown segment. The problem with that is one the segment is too short and two, they are often arguing just for the sake of arguing.

That being said I am not complaining, it is great to actually have a show dedicated to old school rock and good that that VH1 Classic has stuck with the show considering that channel is showing fewer and fewer old school videos and they repeat their programs way too much. Do any of you ever watch Metal Mania on that network? LOL-Do they only own twenty videos because they show the exact same one's every show!


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