Classic Rock Bottom

What TV are you enjoying lately?


For me:


Monday nights I watch House and Chicago Code then Castle. I absolutely love Castle. House is slipping and Chicago Code is a way to kill an hour. On On Demand I watch Harry's Law which has been surprisingly entertaining. I also watch Chuck (good unless it is a scene with the Buy More people) and Hawaii Five-O which has been decent. Oh, and I watch How I Met Your Mother online.

Tuesdays I watch NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles with my mom and love both shows. I also watch The Good Wife which has been superb. I also watch the new show Body of Proof which has been okay to start. And I watch White Collar which I love.

Wednesdays I watched Human Target but that is over now and likely will be cancelled. I just got back into watching Law & Order SVU as well.

Thursdays I watch Bones and The Mentalist with my mom. I also watch Royal Pains and Fairly Legal.

Fridays, I was watching Medium until it ended as well as The Defenders. And I love Blue Bloods too. Also started watching Camelot on Starz.

Saturdays I was watching the new season of Primeval but that's over now. I also watch Doctor Who when it is in season.

Sundays I've been watching Breakout Kings and just started watching The Killing. I also watched The Walking Dead.

Other shows I watch but can't remember which night they air are Covert Affairs and Luther. Plus Hot in Cleveland and Retired at 35.


So yes, I have no life...LOL

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Two Broke Girls?

TBG has NOT been cancelled. Too much of a ratings winner.

It's not canceled. CBS announces tomorrow, then we'll find out if the show stays where it is or moves to a different night/time.

Are you guys still watching it.  We watch it some, but I've pretty much lost it for it.  I do like Oleg and Sophie, and I think they should have a spin off show.

Sophie is what dragged the show down for me. Horrible character, terribly unfunny actress and a complete momentum killer each time she appears on screen.

I've still been watching it, there's some funny stuff in it. Oleg seems forced, luckily he's only in each episode for a small amount if time.

Good grief.  We could probably sit through a show together and never laugh at the same thing.  I find very, very few of the jokes the 2 girls throw out original or funny.  Not that Oleg's stuff is original.

I saw a print advertisement in Rolling Stone for The Hatfields vs. The McCoys (not sure on the title), starring Costner and Paxton.  It's a 3 night mini-series on The History Channel I think.  I'd like to see it.


Another Western is starting in a few weeks, but can't remember the name or the network right now.  Looks good.

Yes, and the Dallas reboot. Don't forget that one (coming in June on TNT! THEY KNOW DRAMA!)

Longmire is the western, it's coming on A&E.

I just saw the trailer for the one new ABC show that I am interested in watching. And it looks freaking AWESOME!!!!


I'm not going to get sucked in. Did it with that recent dinosaur show, we watched probably 7-8 episodes but it was getting unintentionally funnier and stupider as each episode went on. I can't even remember the name, it was that "good".

So, like an oldster, I'm going to stick with that I know. Hell, they cancelled The River which was actually pretty decent. 


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