Classic Rock Bottom

Like last time, there are 4 video's in VOTW. This time it will be one new video with a "90's-band", one new video from a "new band", one requested video (well the band, anyway) and one classic.

1. The first song/video is Weezer with "Memories". The video debuted on September 9, 2010 on the TV show Jersey Shore. The video was shot on Super 8 cameras and filmed on the locations of the skate video "The Search for Animal Chin". The clip features Weezer playing next to and inside an empty pool while various skateboarders do tricks around them. It also features Jackass on backing vocals, and clips from the upcoming movie Jackass 3-D.

2. The new video from "new band" this week is "It Never Ends" by the english metalcore band Bring Me the Horizon, featured on their 2010 third studio album "There Is a Hell, believe me I've seen it.There's a heaven, let's keep it a secret". I don't really know anything about them or the album, but it's a new video, so that's good enough for me. I do know one thing about the video : The nurse is from Denmark.

3. Number three is a request from RJhog, well he wanted to see a video with the Answer, and here it is, "Tonight" from 2009. The Answer are an Irish hard rock and blues-rock band from Newcastle and Downpatrick, County Down, Northern Ireland. They have achieved success with their debut album Rise selling in excess of 30,000 copies in the UK & Europe, 10,000 on day one in Japan and 100,000 worldwide. "Tonight is from their second album "Everyday Demons" from last year.

4. The classic is Blue Murder with "Valley of the Kings" from their self-titled debutalbum from 1989, and you can hear the whole album in Jon's "Lost forgotten album#13".

Look out for VOTW#15,5.

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Weezer is awesome! Loved the home movie feel to video and the fat guy jammin with the band in the middle tore me up!

Quite the interesting video from Bring Me The Horizon, its actually very well produced and pretty cool to watch. The music isn't my cup of tea however.

I first seen The Answer opening for AC/DC on the Black Ice tour. They were very tight and went over with the crowd real well. Strong guitar player. Looks like that's the same tour the performance video was shot as well.
Weezer was ok, don't think the song was anything special. Fat guy was funny.

It Never Ends was "eh". I don't mind metalcore, but just didn't so anything for me. And I thought the nurse was a guy when she first popped up. But she ain't.

The Answer is cool! Like it a bunch. The vocalist takes a few minutes to get used to though.

Nothing to say about Blue Murder.
Weezer (1 star) - it gets a star for the video. I like that, but I'm not a fan of the band and I don't care for the song.

Bring Me The Horizon (0 stars) - it took all I had to watch this whole video. I don't care for the concept, but the video is better than the song.

The Answer (2 stars) - I know I requested it, but I'm a fan of both. I like the performance and almost documentary like feel of the video. The song is really cool and really sounds like it could have been a Thin Lizzy cover to me.

Blue Murder (1 star) - one star for the song. It's a very nice late 80's tune. Unfortunately, the video is very much late 80's as well, with a very cheesy performance portion and a terrible attempt at a concept.

Cool picks Niels. I would watch practically no videos these days if not for this feature. Keep up the good work.
Thanks very much for all your responses. I'm allways looking forward to everybody's input on VOTW. If I should give some stars for the video's like RJhog does, it would be like this:

1. Weezer: 1½ stars, and that's ½ star for a decent song, and 1 star for a funny video.

2. Bring me the Horizon: 1 star, meaning 1 star for a pretty cool video, and 0 star for the song. I do NOT like that "singer" or screamer..

3. The Answer: 1½ star, and that's 1 star for a good song (I really like those AC/DC-inspired bands), and ½ star for an okay video.

4. Blue Murder: 1 star, meaning ½ star for a decent song and ½ star for an okay '89-produced video.
I think the Blue Murder video would be a great Cheese Factor video...
You're right....!
Lay off Blue Murder. Like there weren't any cheesier videos that year/timeframe.

That would be a neat thing to cheesy videos. I'm thinking someone from, say, Denmark could have a week of cheesy videos.
I'm working on it, and you're right: There were video's at that time, that were a LOT cheesier.
I don't think, that I will post a "special" with cheesy video's, but now and then I will post a classic "cheesy" video that I want you all to rate from 1 to 10 on a "Cheese-scale". If I'll get the time, I'll probably start tonight in VOTW#15½ (and there will be a "15½" because I've got SO many video's, that I want to show you at the moment)
Man, that Blue Murder video brings me back.


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