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Last week we looked at bands at the point in time they stumbled and recorded albums that left us scractching our heads. But, because we love our bands we kept hope alive that they would return to form so we could look the naysayers in the eye and tell them "I told you so!!" This week Im posting 3 tracks from albums that I think redeemed a bands image an dput them back on the worldwide map!




KISS - Creatures of the Night

1 - Creatures of the Night

After a trip into the Pop music abyss with Dynasty and Unmasked KISS announced in 1980 that they were going to record their heaviest record yet, instead, the band released "Music from The Elder" in late 1981. Leaving everyone except Jon scratching their heads. Watching their popularity decline, KISS went back into the studio and got themselves back on track by focusing on what made them great to begin with, Rock and Roll. This album, in my opinion, restored faith in the core fan base that gave them the ability to sustain success throughout most of the 80's.

AEROSMITH - Permanent Vacation

2 - Hearts Done Time

Let me state up front, I like Done With Mirrors a lot and think one could argue that was the album that let the fan base know they were serious about coming back. But without a doubt Permanent Vacation made the huge splash. If we could delete Dude Looks Like A Lady from the album it would be nearer to perfect. But this opening track leaves no doubt that they were back!

DEEP PURPLE - Perfect Strangers

3 - Perfect Strangers

1976 saw the band in shambles, Coverdale walked off stage, Bolin died and Lord and Paice had plans to disband. In 1980 Rod Evans toured using the name Deep Purple and was successfuly sued, things looked bleak! Then in 1984 a "legal" reunion came about of the most famous and popular verison of the band, Mark II. And what an album they came up with! Total Redemption!

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Stay tuned.  Pump is coming up on AOTW.

A very good topic. I am not really a KISS fan so I probably am not qualified to have an opinion on that one but I don't think that one would rank number one. KISS fans seem to love the 70's stuff and though Elder seems to be disliked, I don't think they have fallen so far that they were in need of a "redemption album." I would say that "Revenge" would be the album that redeemed them more.

I could not agree more on the Deep Purple album. The Aerosmith album was redemption for many fans but I am way too partial to their 70's material to call that a redeeming album for me.

Some Others:

U.F.O.-Walk on Water (this may be the greatest reunion album ever)

Alice Cooper-The Last Temptation (While some would say the high charting, high selling Trash album was redemption for Alice, it was very commercial and more a sign of the times release. The Last Temptation was modern sounding but also had a classic 70's Alice vibe)

Black Sabbath-Heaven and Hell (the last few releases with Ozzy were terrible or at least mediocre. Ronnie James Dio joined the band and ignited a fire in Iommi and the boys)


Good call on Revenge.  Also on Heaven And Hell.

Great call on Heaven and Hell!  Totally slipped by me, but that's a perfect example of this topic!  And I have never heard the UFO album you mentioned.  That's going into my wish list ASAP!

You need to check the U.F.O. album out. It is absolutely terrific.

Me too.

37 and change for new copy...  Looks like this one will have to wait for remaster or a massive price reduction!


UFO's "Walk On Water"? Hell to the double YEAH!

Funny thing, a couple months ago when I was doing that Was It Worth It crap, that was one of the albums I was going to do but it was only three years snce their previous album so it didn't fit my rules.

But's going to come. Maybe I'll sidestep from the 80's after this week and do that, Sign Of 4 and something from Mogg/Way.

Then consider it requested for inclusion in a not so far into the future issue of L/FAOTW.


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