Classic Rock Bottom



Group: Funkadelic

Album Title: Maggot Brain

Year Released: 1971



Ok, got stuff out of the way so let's get to the dedications:


Album Cover: Dedicated to Scott due to the comment he made about last week's MSoTW because that's the same facial expression I had after reading the "bottom of the barrel" nonsense.


Album Title: Kind of mean, but Scott made me that way.



Finally, I have come up wih a poem dedicated to, you guessed it, Scott:


There once was a man from Nantucket...


Hmm...going to have to rethink that one since he's not from Nantucket. We'll get back to it later.


This week we have Funkadelic's third release. This may be along the lines of Utopia from a few weeks ago, maybe not a lost or forgotten album, but there might be some who haven't heard i yet, so it will be lost and forgotten to them!


Now pay attention Scott!


Funkadelic is kind of a sister group to Parliament. While Parliament was funk, Funkadelic was more rock, but with funk and psychadelic elements. Formed in 1970, this is the third Funkadelic album.


Wait, I think I've got it!


This is a poem for that Scott...


Nope, not quite there yet.


RIght of the bat you're sucked right in. Feedback crackles, a voice speaks and the guitar solo starts. Ten minutes of Eddie Hazel playing the hell out of that geetar. Rumor has it that he was told to play like he just learned his mother had died and then found out she was alive after all. And it shows. Eddie Hazel (RIP) is one of the most underrated guitarists of all time in my opinion, and it's not just limited to this track (crank "Super Stupid" if you don't believe me). 


The next five songs are shorter pieces, with funk, rock, psychedelia and heavy metal all thrown into the mix. There's so much going on within each song, every time you listen to them you hear something new. 


Ah-ha! I got it!


There once was a man named Scott

Who must have been smoking pot

He trashed the song

Lay off that bong!

It's turning your mind to rot 


The album ends with another long track, a funk workout. Everything is thrown into the mix, even the kitchen sink I believe. Recommended headphone listening!


WARNING:Do not listen to the first 30 seconds of this album at work or around the easily offended.


Maggot Brain


1. Maggot Brain*

2. Can You Get To That*

3. Hit It And Quit It*

4. You And Your Folks, Me And My Folks

5. Super Stupid*

6. Back In Our Minds

7. Wars Of Armageddon*



Availability: Can be had for about 8 bucks, but make sure you pick up the remastered version which costs more and comes with extra tracks.  


MSoTW: I believe Niels figured out last week's track. Scott sure didn't because he was too busy making wisecracks. This week's track is a bit more recent, should be pretty easy.



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Is it just me, or does'nt the link work?
It's going to podsnack's main page, not the player.
Gee, this is getting OLD. Try it now.
It's working now.
hahahaha... Love this! Took a nice weekend break and came back to this. I have absolutely never heard anythign from Funkadelic or Parliament. Ive just seen the snippets on "VH1's I love the ...." series. I think they would have ben a kick to see live.

Will have to listen this evening, though - now back to earning a living. Someones got to put the Ramen noodles in the pantry!
Jon, I really like the mystery track. The closest guess I have is Europe, but I doubt that's it. However, the song is excellent and I'd appreciate it if you could private message me who it is.

As far as Funkadelic goes, I love the long guitar solo to start it off. That's cool. I was even getting a very nice Mother's Finest vibe with the second song. Then I kinda lost it from there. And the last song was nothing but noise (but funny in parts). Overall, I can certainly handle listening to it, but I personally like Mother's Finest better.
Feels like the MSOTW is familiar, just cant place it... yet... Im going to resist the usual avenues of finding out and try to recall that voice. Its way too familiar.

This being my first lsitening experience, I will say it was unique for sure. If this is the ROCK version of Parliament, I would be interested in hearing them, cause this was pretty funky. Liked the overall groove of the album more than actual songs themselves. And with a title like Maggot Brain, thats saying something.

The coverart made me recall an old horror flick starring Rory Calhoun (or something like that) where they planted people in the ground and then when they were ripe enough, they combined them into there ground Chuck and sold it publicly. Cant remember the title, but it had a couple of hot chicks who tripped over something when they were trying to get away, and they couldnt get back up so they got caught, remember that one?

Nice post Jon, no really.. and Im not saying that just because Im kinder and gentler, I really enjoyed this one...
Motel Hell! Also had Mrs Balbricker!

Yup thats the one! Rated 'R' for Ridiculous....
It wasn't that bad, but haven't seen it in years. I'm pumped up for the zombie stuff coming on IFC this Monday and on AMC on, I believe, 10/31. Zombies RULE!
I don't know MSoTW this week. The singer sounds a bit like Ed Kowalkowsky or whatshisname from LIVE, but IT'S NOT MY GUESS, JON !!!!!
Here's hint: I would never post anyting by Live.


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