Classic Rock Bottom

Since I'm not at home for the next 3 or 4 days, NMC is posted early this week. But you can listen and comment whenever you feel like it. Here we go:


1. Copy Of A - 5.23

2. Came Back Haunted - 5.17

3. Everything - 3.20

4. Satellite - 5.03

5. Various Methods Of Escape - 5.01

I'll bet, that none of you will like this. I think, it's the best NIN-album since 1999. It's certainly not Prog. Is it rock at all? Well, I think so, even though you can dance (weird!) to it. Give it a try. Listen to the full 23-24 min. It don't have to be the same ol' Heavy 80's Pop rock ala Whitesnake all of the time, right? Right!


1. Atlas Stone - 7.34

2. In Memoriam - 4.17

3. Falling Back To Earth - 11.51

I have now finally realized, that I am DEFINITELY mostly into Prog-rock in this stage of my life, so there's no reason to buy anything else. Well, almost, there's still some albums, I need, like NIN, Alter Bridge (though I read, that they would have one or two "proggy-numbers" on their coming album), Pearl Jam, Arcade Fire and Paul McCartney for example. But it is only albums like this one, that makes me go "wow" nowadays, and listen to an album more than once per day, just like I did with "Genesis Revisited 2". I don't know, if any of you will feel the same way about this band/album as I do, but I'm 100% sure, that Jon would/will love this stuff, probably 80% sure that Scott will, and 50% sure that RJhog will. The weirdest/weakest track on the album is probably "Cockroach King", the one, that RJhog posted a few days ago in SMASH OR TRASH, and I'm not so happy about the name of the band, the title of the record, or the album-cover, but the music is what it is all about, and besides the bands, that I already have mentioned earlier on regarding the music of Haken, then this band's music reminds me of Porcupine Tree, Dream Theater, Spocks Beard and Neal Morse, and THAT'S why I like it so much. Bedsides these "4" songs (incl. Cockroach") there's a couple of knd of mellow songs, and one more 10 min. plus-epic Prog-track, but I had to choose between those two, and I chose my favorite as of now. Maybe I should had picked the other one, since it's not nearly as "weird", but I like weirdness as long, as there's some great music "around" it. I THINK this style is called "Neo-Prog", so I have to find other bands that plays that kind of Prog. Maybe there's some more gold out there?! Keep playing it, until you get it, if you don't get it at first, like I do. Great to know, that new Prog-bands carry on the torch. Enjoy!

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NIN--Thumbs 3/4 up

This really isn't too bad. The first song made me want to break out a strobe light and disco ball and twerk. Second song made me want to turn off the strobe light and stop the twerking, plus there was geetar. The third song was....a pop song? Kinda came out of left field. For song #4, strobe light back on! Twerking continuing! Ominous geetar! Kinda poppy too. Where's the anger? He's happy! The 5th song starts of kinda weak, but picks up around the minute mark with ominous geetar. I have resigned myself to the fact that we'll probably never get the heaviness of "Broken"-era NIN again, but he was angry then so I guess it makes sense. Yes, I do like this. The 3/4 up is not a joke. Now, where's the track with Lindsey Buckingham playing geetar?

Hey, I only got 50%.

That's better than nothing at all.

Haken--Thumbs Up

The lead singer still reminds me of Jon Anderson. At first he sounds a little weak and then you grow into it. Plus the choruses are awesomely cool, I like layered vocals they are just friggin' awesome. "In Memoriam" turn really freaky around the middle, but freaky GOOD. Man, that last song has some HEAVY riffing, plus the singer goes high-pitched and then more weirdness ensues! This has gotta be great on headphones, now it's turned jazzy. There is some really tasty geetar work on this last track, plus the interplay between the band members is amazing. You mentioned some bands this reminds you of, along with those this also reminds me of Opeth. The beuaty about this last song is that even though it's almost 12 minutes, it doesn't get boring. There are so many mood changes throughout it keeps you on your toes. And hey, I liked "Cockroach"!

NIN (Thumbs removed from my hands)

In the words of our Dutch brother, this is crap!  It's electronic music.  Not my style.  I like real instruments.  I get disco, rave up and dance out of this.  That's about it.  The first track is...okay.  Track two is way too repetitive for me.  Very ravish.  Track three says 80's New Wave.  I'll put it this way.  This is not the worst electronic music I've ever heard.  So see, I can keep an open mind when I listen to a music style I don't care for.  But here's my final judgement.  Can I see myself driving down the road jamming to this.  Nope, that's a disturbing image.

Haken (Thumbs Up)

This is way cool.  I dig it.  I will probably buy it.  I'm glad you got it first Niels and put it here.  I had been thinking about it but this puts it over the top for me.  Nice post.

Niels, are you gonna get The Flower Kings new release?

Well, it was 50/50, but it looks like, you finally 'get" Prog, and that's great :-)

Yes, I do plan to get the new Flower Kings, and also the new Ayreon, that is released the same date, 28th. Of October.

Good, I'll wait to hear the Flower Kings album.  You still need to vote in the tournament for round 1 brackets 1 and 2.

Do i? I voted for the Fleetwood Mac-cover?!

Could swear I have posted Ayreon here before, don't think anyone liked it. Their loss.

Yes, I think you did. The reason, why I want this release, is because I've read that it should be the "proggiest" release from Arjen Lucassen (is that spelled right?) AND that it is a double-cd, and a concept-album, and those facts sounds interesting to me.

Ayreon's last two have been double concept albums. Actually, all Ayreon albums are concept albums. Star One the same. I have all the Ayreon releases except for "Actual Fantasy" for some reason, but if you're in a proggy mood, you can't go wrong with anything from "Universal Migrator Pt 1" thru "0101101".  

Oh, I remembered another reason: There's some pretty good guest-musicians on the album. I can't remember who, though. I'm sure, Steve Hackett is one of them.


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